
Ndurance , Length overall 99.00 m , Breadth 30.00 m , Moulded depth 7.00 m , Design draught 4.8 m , Displacement 12,285 t , Turntable capacity 5,000 t , Outer diameter 26 m , Inner diameter 3-6 m (adjustable) , Product cable size 50-300 mm , Cable speed range 0-1000 m/h , MBR cable highway 4,50 m , Cable tensioners 15 t , Crane 25 t SWL at 25 m , Cable handling area 35m x 30m , Max. sailing speed 11.5 kn , Total installed power 7,500 kW , Main engines 7,280 kW , Azimuth thrusters 2 x 1,250 kW + 2 x 1,000 kW , Bow thruster 1 x 550 kW , Built by Samsung C&T corporation ZPMC – Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.Ltd , Year of construction 2013 , Classification Lloyd’s Register, offshore multifunctional accommodation barge, bottom
strengthened for loading and unloading aground

Foto gemaakt door Fred Trooster in Vlaardingen.

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