
APILIOTIS, IMO 9324370, Call Sign SYVY – A Most Unusual Tanker.
Completed in February 2006 by the Brodosplit Ship Yard, Split, Croatia, for the Lybra Shipping Co., Piraeus, Greece and operated by the Elin Shipping Co. 33, Pigon Street, Athens; a subsidiary of Elin Oil. Yard No. 452, GRT 1,723, DWT 1,830 LOA 77.22 m, LBP 72.3 m, Breadth 13.0 m, Summer Draught of 4.20 m. Powered by 2 x 6 cyl 2 S.C.S.A. oil engines with an output of 1470 KW each which give a service speed of 12 knots. Equipped with bow and stern thrusters and a variable pitch propeller. Total cargo capacity is 2,140 cubic meters and her pipe network is stainless steel with 12 submerged hydraulic pumps in 12 epoxy coated tanks. Thus, the ship can load and discharge up to 6 different types of fuels simultaneously in refinery facilities. Double hull and double bottom.

Apiliotis, Elin Shipping Co.

Foto’s gemaakt op 22-09-2019 in Pigadia ( Karpathos )

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